Supporting the Endurance Athlete

Swim, Bike, Run, Triathlon, Sportive, Time Trial, Half, Full, 10K, Park Run, duathlon, obstacle races… etc. If you have just clicked the endurance button on this site then you probably have some form of interest or participation in one of these. It is not surprising because you are part of a “participation” revolution… whether you have a 40 year history, or are new to the endurance sport options… you are part of the fastest growing sports participation sector in the Western World.

Working with, and supporting the development of endurance athletes has become a large part of the Physical Solutions work profile. Far more good comes from endurance sport “participation” than the potential harm of the repetitive loading associated with them. The challenge is to keep runners running and, where possible, improve the way they do it. And to keep riders on their bikes, and where possible, going stronger and longer.

Physical assessment and screening… understand the athlete. How do they move? How do they train?

Strength, stability, mobility, volume, recovery… whether on your feet, on wheels, or in water these physical training “pillars” underpin your performance.

Video assessment… the digital “eye” that allows us to review your technique, your strengths, your weaknesses, your “set up” and your progress.

Video coaching… a two way process between coach and athlete that needs to be appropriate and responsive to individual need. Where technique meets individual performance and resilience.

Wattbike Testing … a reliable and accurate way of establishing training parameters and reviewing training progress.

Rehabilitation… because injuries happen. Doing the right thing at the right time and trusting the solution

It’s an evolving science as we learn more about how physical preparation meets technique, and how both performance enhancement and developing resilience to injury share the same “input”. And that is often the key… when it comes to endurance sports you “get out what you put in”. I call it “hard miles and smart miles”… you need to do both. I like to think that the Physical Solutions way of working can provide the smart miles that support your hard miles.


Putting one foot in front of the other has never been so complicated. Or made to appear complicated. Heel strike verses forefoot, shod verses barefoot, stability, control or neutral shoes. Pose running, chi running, altitude chambers and compression garments. Mind blowing stuff that can lead to time-wasting quests for, at best, marginal gains. In my opinion good runners do the basics better than others. Develop strong resilient bodies, and learn how to use sound and appropriate technique, and you have got a chance. Physical Solutions offer a comprehensive assessment, physical training and rehabilitation and physiotherapy service to runners of all abilities. Over the years we have got to know a lot of Norfolk’s runners and athletes!

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“Its like riding a bike”. Then you want to ride faster. Then you want to ride further. Then you want to ride further faster. Some people want to ride further faster and then get off and run. Unlimited access to carbon fibre and lycra has made this available to all. Performance cycling is a balance between technology, physiology, physicality and technique. Understanding how these factors work with each other and accepting that each cyclist is an individual is paramount. Man and machine. An adaptable trainable man working with an adjustable and appropriate machine. Physical Solutions offers assessment, physical training, rehabilitation and physiotherapy services specific to cyclists needs. We have worked with Norfolk’s cyclists and triathletes at all levels of ability.

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